The game is played on a 16 by 16 grid of hexes. The goal of LandSlide is to build a continuous bridge from one goal to the other. One player tries to build a bridge between the left and right edges of the play area while the other tries to connect the top and bottom edges.
Players take turns selecting any available hex. The hex you select does not need to be touching any particular hex or edge. All unoccupied hexes are available.
Bridges do not have to be straight lines. The winning bridge must only be a solid path from one goal to the other. Of course, the bridge must be made up entirely of the winning player's hexes.
Games may be saved in progress and then loaded at a later time by using the "Save Game..." and "Load Game..." options from the "File" menu.
You can take back your last move by using the "Undo Last Move" option in the "Options" menu. When two people are playing, the most recent move will be taken back, but when playing the computer, both your last move and the computer's last move will be undone. You may take back as many moves as you wish simply by repeating the command.
When LandSlide starts, it assumes that two people will be playing the game. If you would like to play against the computer, select "Computer Player" from the "Opponents" menu.
Simple instructions for playing the game are available through the "Help" menu. There is a brief strategy guide under the "Help" menu as well.
The graphics are optimized for 256 colors, 16 greys, or black and white monitor settings. The game will work in any monitor mode, but will look best when played using one of these settings.
I am currently working on an additional feature to improve the computer playing skill. This feature also allows players to change and improve how the computer plays themselves. If there seems to be interest, I will make this feature available.
I can be reached by registered users on Compuserve (ID: 71034,366) or by mail (see the "About LandSlide..." box in the game) for comments and problems. I don't guarantee I'll fix every problem or add every suggestion, but I will continue to work on the game as good suggestions come up.
Thanks to Bob J. and Dawn O. for testing, ideas and general support. Special thanks to those individuals who support the ShareWare system by actually registering their software.
This application may be transmitted on electronic bulletin board systems where only standard connect charges apply or by non-profit diskette distribution. This read me file must always accompany the application.
Use At Your Own Risk
The user of this software is solely responsible for the use or misuse of the package. There is no warranty, whatsoever.